Best Practices in Blood Sample Shipping

Shipping blood samples is a necessary part of medical care, but because of the risk of bloodborne pathogens and patient identification errors, special care must be taken. Start by choosing a delivery company who is experienced in medical delivery services so that they understand the necessity of handling samples with care. These other tips will help you ensure that your blood samples are shipped and delivered safely.

Label All Samples

Each test tube should be clearly labeled with the patient’s information, and if necessary, the kind of testing that should be performed. Labeling only one tube out of a set of samples from the same patient can easily lead to confusion if the labeled tube becomes separated from the others. You should also include the necessary paperwork with each sample so that there is no confusion when the tubes reach their destination.

Package Samples Carefully

It’s essential to package samples in a way that prevents breakage and leaks. Start by wrapping each tube in bubble wrap or paper towels, and then put the wrapped tubes in a sealable plastic bag. Put the plastic bag into a shipping box that has additional lining, such as bubble wrap or crumbled newspapers, on the bottom and on top of the samples. Don’t use a box that is too large, as this will allow the tubes to shift excessively during shipping and increase the risk of breakages.

Time Your Shipping Appropriately

Ship blood samples with same-day or overnight delivery. If necessary, two to three day deliveries will also work, but don’t use any kind of shipping that goes beyond that window. For samples drawn on Fridays that you’re not shipping same-day delivery, store the samples in the refrigerator for shipping on Monday.


Xcel Delivery Services is experienced in making medical deliveries and can ensure your samples get to the right place at the right time. Learn more about our medical delivery services in Phoenix, please call (602) 368-1300.

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