Can Your Small Business Compete with Amazon’s Same-Day Delivery?

Same-day delivery is the latest strategy Amazon is using to become the first company that shoppers turn to for all of their needs. For small businesses, the idea of competing with this kind of delivery can seem impossible. Is same-day delivery a real possibility for your business—and if it is, should it be a service that you offer? This information will help you make the right decision.

Understanding the Logistics of Same-Day Delivery

For Amazon, same-day delivery is more of a marketing strategy than a realistic service they are providing. Same-day deliveries are limited to a few major metropolitan areas for now, so many customers don’t have the option yet. Amazon plans to significantly expand the warehouse space they have in strategic locations that will allow them to reach more customers. For small businesses, managing same-day delivery could actually be slightly easier than it is for Amazon, depending on what they offer. If your stock is held locally and your customers are within your local area, a same-day delivery partner in your city could make it viable to offer it as a service.

Letting Amazon Pave the Way

For small businesses, there may be a benefit to sitting back and letting Amazon pave the way for same-day deliveries. You can sit back and watch them work out the logistics through trial and error and then simply emulate their strategies when they have it figured out. If you work with a delivery service, they will likely follow where the market leads, so if Amazon makes same-day delivery the norm, then more delivery services will be likely to try it.

Finding Out What Your Customers Want

Same-day delivery may not be something that customers want for some products. Your customers may be driven more by affordable pricing than same-day deliveries. Consider dipping your toes in the waters of same-day deliveries for a limited time in a limited area to gauge the response.


With Xcel Delivery Services, you can count on reliable and professional delivery services in Tucson and beyond, including same-day deliveries. Find out how same-day deliveries could work for your business by calling (520) 408-7200.

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