Choose a Shipping Company with the Right Affiliations

In order for a shipping company to be as effective as possible, it needs to have an existing network of partners and affiliates that it can depend on. You know you can trust a company that has impressive affiliations, and all it takes is a little research and the right questions to learn everything you need to know.

Why It Helps
A good way to judge a business’s character and efficiency is to look at its relationships. You can do this by looking at references from past jobs, but you can also learn about its affiliations. Companies don’t affiliate with other businesses or entities that they don’t trust. When you look up a shipping company and see that they have impressive credentials, you can expect to have a pleasant and efficient experience when you partner up.

How to Tell
Shipping companies that have affiliations with other businesses, associations, and chambers won’t go out of their way to hide them. Instead, they’ll probably display these connections proudly. In most cases, all you’ll have to do is look through the company’s website to see who else they have an established rapport with.

What Questions to Ask
Once you understand why you should work with a shipping company that has the right affiliations as well as how to tell what the affiliations are, you should make it a point to ask the company about their relationships with these other entities. Ask the shipping company how long they’ve been affiliated with other organizations, what they did to make the affiliation happen, and what each specific affiliation means for the business and its services.

Are you interested in finding out what kind of affiliations we have at Xcel Delivery? Browse through our website and take a look at our extensive network. Please call us in Phoenix at (602) 368-1300 if you’d like to learn more about us.

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