FAQs and Answers About Cross-Docking

Cross-docking can play an important role in the logistics of product distribution. It minimizes the amount of the time products spend in storage and transit, so that they can get from manufacturers and suppliers directly to customers or retail establishments quickly. This unique supply management technique can be especially helpful in shipping perishable items. Could cross-docking be the right solution for your business’ shipping needs? Here are the answers to questions companies often have about cross-docking.

What exactly is cross-docking?

Cross-docking is a supply chain management technique in which items are transferred from one delivery truck to another across a terminal dock, without the need for storage or with very minimal storage necessary. During cross-docking, a truck filled with items from the supplier backs up to one side of the dock. Across the dock, the outbound truck backs into the dock area. Items are transferred from the supplier’s truck to the outbound truck across the dock. The dock also has space for unloading, screening, and sorting.

What are the benefits of using cross-docking?

Cross-docking is beneficial for companies in several ways. First, it saves both suppliers and receivers money by reducing the need for storage costs. It also facilitates faster shipments, since the supplier doesn’t unload items into a facility that then has to pick them, move them, and load them an outbound truck at a later date. Cross-docking is also helpful in ensuring that perishable items get to their destinations safely, and it makes it easier for suppliers to delivery shipments to multiple destinations quickly and efficiently.

Is cross-docking right for my shipping needs?

Cross-docking is not the most effective method of shipping and distributing for every business. Talk to your delivery service to see if you could benefit from cross-docking or if another technique is right for your business’ needs.


Xcel Delivery Services is pleased to offer convenient cross-docking services in Phoenix, alongside our range of delivery solutions. Arrange for delivery services and learn more about our distribution center by calling (602) 368-1300.


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