Is Automation Likely to Put Commercial Drivers Out of the Job?

In years past, intelligent robots were little more than figments of the imagination. But recently, they’ve leaped off the pages of science fiction novels and straight into everyday life. Robotic technologies have already been integrated into many industries, including the transportation sector. And some experts do predict that, in the years to come, millions of Americans will lose their jobs to artificial intelligence and automation. However, it’s safe to say that the majority of commercial driving jobs won’t be outsourced to fancy computers.

Immature Technology

One reason why commercial drivers don’t need to worry about losing their jobs to robots is that the technology is still in its infancy, relatively speaking. Yes, there are automated cars on the road right now. However, these are few and far between, and they are still in the testing phases. The technology has a long way to go before it’s viable for use on a mass scale.

Human Expertise

It’s certainly possible that automated delivery trucks will replace a few jobs. However, it’s likely that automated technologies will be primarily used for highway miles—and even then, it’s likely that it will require a trained human in the driver’s seat to take over in case of emergencies. It’s unlikely that automated big rigs and delivery vans would be allowed to operate without restrictions within city limits. There are simply too many factors to account for.

Legal Liability Issues

Another reason why commercial drivers don’t have to worry about encroaching automation is that the law will take a long time to catch up to the technology. As it stands, the legal pathway to sue a driverless vehicle is murky at best. Lawmakers would have to modify existing tort law to indemnify the manufacturer of automation technology.

Here at Xcel Delivery Services, we put a human face on the logistics industry. Our warehousing and delivery company is comprised of a team of dedicated, highly trained individuals whom our customers rely on to get the job done right the first time. Our team in Phoenix is available around the clock, seven days per week because supporting your business is our business. Call (602) 368-1300.

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