Spotlight on Bag It

A cancer diagnosis is scary and disorienting. On top of the obvious concerns about treatment and outcomes, the prospect of navigating the system of cancer care and finding the necessary support and resources is daunting. Bag It aims to change that. The Bag It Bag gives cancer patients the tools they need to become empowered partners in their own care and to find all of the support services available to them and their families as they go through all stages of this experience. Xcel Delivery Services is pleased to support Bag It by offering free delivery of the Bag It Bags to patients who need them. 

Inside the Bag It Bag

The Bag It Bag is a toolkit for cancer patients that gives them all of the information they need to take control of their care. One of the most important things in the Bag It Bag is the Companion Guidebook. This guidebook, which is customizable, lets patients create a one-stop resource for all their treatment-related information so that it is easily accessible for them and their caregivers. Equipped with section dividers and information sheets, the Guidebook can be used to keep track of appointments, test results, treatments, treatment side effects, important care contacts, and more. It also contains a notepad to write down questions for doctors between appointments, so patients don’t forget important conversation topics at the doctor’s office. 

The bag also contains leading publications from healthcare organizations and cancer support groups to assist with everything from nutrition during treatment to help for cancer caregivers who need strategies to care for themselves as well as their impacted loved ones. 

How to Assist

There are many different ways to get involved with helping Bag It educate and support cancer patients. You can make a donation to Bag It on their website or volunteer to host events in your community. Opportunities are available both inside and outside of Arizona. Bag It is also always looking for people to crochet Chemo Caps for patients. 

Our work with Bag It is just one example of Xcel Delivery Services’ commitment to serving the communities in which we work. This partnership has been ongoing for nine years, and it’s freed up resources for Bag It to continue focusing on their mission, rather than struggling to keep up with shipping costs. Contact us now for more information about our shipping and delivery services in Tucson, as well as our charitable works, by calling (520) 355-4897.

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