The Primary Perks of Using Pallets

Pallets are incredibly useful for managing freight. They keep your shipments in order and subsequently make them easier to move and store. Because pallets come in a variety of sizes, you can easily get the right type and number to meet your needs. If you use a warehousing service or make use of cross docking, pallets can make fulfilling shipments faster and much more efficient. Take a closer look at the primary perks of using pallets here.

Organizing Products

Pallets can function like open-sided storage containers for products. By grouping items together that are either the same or that are shipped together on a pallet, you can ensure that they are easy to access and locate. Organizing products on pallets is much easier than stacking them together on the floor, where there is no delineation between product groups and where boxes can easily be kicked over and mixed up. Pallets create separation between product groups without taking up extra space.

Moving Products

Clearly, one of the primary benefits of pallets is that they make large quantities of products easy to move. A shipment that might otherwise require multiple rounds of loading to move by hand can be moved in a single transfer with a pallet. Pallets can be moved using forklifts and pallet jacks, which can carry significantly more weight than a human can. This makes moving products more efficient and reduces the risk of injuries to your staff. With pallets, it doesn’t matter if products are stored in the back of a warehouse, since a forklift can easily bring the entire pallet up to the front when needed.

Protecting Products

Storing items on the floor makes them more vulnerable to damage from moisture, pests, dirt, and other contaminants. A minor spill, for instance, can easily turn into a major disaster for products stored on the floor. Pallets keep your valuable products off the ground to reduce the risk of damage.

Xcel Delivery Services makes use of pallets in our distribution centers and warehouses to ensure the fastest possible processing. You can learn more about our distribution services in Phoenix by calling (602) 368-1300.


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