What to Know About Filing Freight Claims

If you’re a business owner who ships physical goods out to customers and receives inventory, you should know that using smart packaging practices can greatly reduce the risk that your cargo will sustain damage during transport. However, sometimes accidents do happen. If your cargo is damaged upon arrival, here’s what you need to know about filing a freight claim.

Inspect the cargo.

You should always inspect the cargo before the truck driver departs. Conduct your inspection prior to signing the bill of lading (BOL) or the delivery receipt. Look for holes, tears, or other signs of damage on the exterior of all of your pallets. If you see any damage, take pictures of it. Then, open each pallet and check the goods for signs of damage. If you see damage, take pictures of it and write the word “damage” on the receipt before signing it. Make sure the driver also signs the receipt.

Know when to file a freight claim.

Any damage to your cargo should be reported as soon as possible. However, in some cases, the damage might not be immediately evident. The Carmack Amendment, which is a freight industry shipping amendment, allows for the filing of freight claims due to concealed damage within five days. The shipping carrier must acknowledge your claim within 30 days and either pay or decline your claim within 120 days.

File the claim.

You must file the freight claim with the carrier. The specific documentation you’ll need can vary, but it generally includes the proof of delivery (POD), photos of the actual damage, and the original invoice that proves the costs of the damaged goods. If applicable, you may also need to provide an estimate for the repairs.At Xcel Delivery Services, we take pride in providing timely and reliable freight transit services. However, if your shipment does sustain damage, you’ll find that our freight claim process is transparent and hassle-free. You can call our office in Tucson at (520) 355-4897 with any questions you may have.

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